Regal Slim Review with Pros and Cons
Regal Slim is a dietary supplement produced in the USA by Regal Nutra.
The company says they are “confident Regal Slim will transform you”, but they are not confident enough to provide a money back guarantee and the official Regal Slim website is extremely lacking in information about the product and how it works.
However, they do state taking the pills each day is the first part of a three step process.
The second and third steps are torching fat and transforming the body, but Regal Nutra don’t actually state their product will be responsible for doing these things.
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Active Ingredients
Two capsules provide:
Garcinia Cambogia (60% HCA) (1000mg): Garcinia cambogia is a species of tropical fruit. The extracts used in diet supplements are taken from the rind of the fruit and are rich in a fat fighting chemical called hydroxycitric acid (HCA). When people take supplements that contain garcinia cambogia, the HCA it provides interferes with the body’s ability to turn excess calories into fat. It’s also very useful for quelling hunger pangs. Good results require a HCA content of at least 60%. The extract used in Regal Slim provides this, so the results should be good.
- Potassium (50mg): Low potassium levels can cause fatigue and other problems. Some people who have cut back on their food may become potassium deficient and start to experience feelings of fatigue that will make it hard to exercise or pursue a more active lifestyle. The potassium included here should help prevent this from becoming an issue.
- Calcium (50mg): Research reveals people who eat a lot of calcium rich food, like milk and cheese, may have an improved chance of losing weight, but calcium-providing supplements may not work in the same way.
- Chromium (2000mcg): Some ingredients have become very popular with diet pill manufacturers. Chromium is one of them and this has been the case for over half a century. During the 1950s, it was thought to be a fat burner, but researchers have since proven it is not. However, chromium still has value as a weight loss provider because it prevents the spikes in blood sugar levels that often cause a desire for sugary food.
Regal Nutra fails to provide customers with a money back guarantee.
Customer Testimonials
We were unable to find any Regal Slim customer reviews.
Regal Slim Potential Side Effects
Fruit powered diet pills are generally well tolerated and don’t have a reputation for causing side effects, but Regal Slim is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding a child.
People who have existing health issues should get a doctor’s approval before using any form of dietary supplement. The same advice is offered to people who are taking medication and/or planning to use two or more supplements alongside each other.
Regal Slim Buying Options
Regal Slim is only available via the official website, but it’s not possible to make a one-off purchase. The only way site visitors can obtain a shipment of pills is via a free trial offer.
People who wish to take the trial have to pay an initial charge of $4.97, to cover shipping and handling. Upon doing so, anyone who accepts the trial is also agreeing to receive and pay for a fresh supply of pills every month.
The price per bottle is $89.97, plus the $4.97 shipping and handling fee.
Although the first bottle contains enough pills to last 30 days, the trial period is only 14 days and customers who are not happy with the product have to contact Regal Nutra and say they don’t wish any further shipments of pills.
Customers who do this should have no problem, but people who do not, will find the full cost of the trial bottle has been charged to the card they used to pay the original shipping and handling fee.
This will occur 18 days after the trial bottle was ordered. They will also receive further monthly charges each time a fresh consignment of pills is dispatched.
The Final Judgment
Garcinia cambogia extracts that are 60% HCA are believed to be the most potent, so Regal Slim has a lot going for it right from the start; and the other ingredients, with the possible exception of calcium, may help give the formulation a little extra oomph. However, there’s are a couple of big problems with the product.
The first problem is the way it’s being marketed. The set up involving an auto-ship program with a free trial lead in is quite common, but customers often fail to realize what they are getting into and auto-ship programs are notoriously hard to cancel.
The second problem with Regal Slim is the price. It’s too high. All of the leading diet pills brands are considerably cheaper and customers also get a money back guarantee. We can’t knock this product as far as the potential goes, but everything else about it is wrong.
Recommended Alternatives
We do not recommend any product that utilises a free trial or auto ship program. They are ultimately far from free.
For many reasons we recommend Phen375 – it has a long standing and excellent reputation for not not only the product but also the company behind it.
Phen375 offer a fat burning and appetite suppressing experience or your money back. There are many, many success stories and satisfied customers.
Read the full review here of Phen375