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SlimQuick Razor Canada

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SlimQuick Razor Review

Slim Quick have a number of diet products available to buy over the counter in selected pharmacies, we have reviewed SlimQuick Naturals with Acai and their Hoodia product previously.

SlimQuick Razor is the latest product to emerge and competes in the already overcrowded fat burner market.

Billed as “America’s Strongest Female Fat Burner” the manufacturers rate their product very highly, less impartial sources are slightly less confident with regards to efficacy judging by the number of luke warm independent reviews in circulation.

What Is Slim Quick Razor And How Does It Work

As mentioned above it is fat burner designed to burn fat by accelerating the body’s metabolic rate and providing additional energy.

Ingredients – What In It

Niacin, Iodine and a proprietary formula called the 6 Ways Complex. The complex contains around 16 other ingredients with green tea, caffeine and capsicum extract being the most interesting. Even more interesting is he lack of specifics pertaining to exactly how much of ingredient is actually present.

Possible Side Effects

Nothing of any great magnitude has been reported and the potential for side effects should be minimal. Those with a sensitivity to caffeine may experience irritability, dizziness and insomnia and possible nausea.

Pregnant or breast feeding mothers should avoid using.

Does SlimQuick Razor Work Is It Recommended

The manufacturers claim that a 13 week clinical study was performed, women subjects added just one ingredient from the formula to their diet and lost up to 25 pounds. There is no real evidence of this provided and so its hard verify.

Very hard to recommend over and above some of the premium grade fat burners currently available.

Where To Buy SlimQuick Razor In Canada

Purchases can be made in a majority in Pharmacies the length and breadth of Canada (Shoppers Drug Mart, Pharmaprix, Jean Coutu etc…)

Alternative Fat Burners

Phen375 has made a huge impact, not just in Canada but the USA and across mainland Europe and the UK.

it has filled a void left by the former prescription only Phentermine.

Phen375 is manufactured in FDA approved laboratories and offers dieters and extremely high success rate.

More about Phen375

SlimQuick Razor Canada1.9999999999999admin22011-06-08 19:04:59SlimQuick razor fat burner review does it work, side effects and where to buy Slim Quick Razor in Canada. How does it compare to other fat burners like Phen375


One Response to “SlimQuick Razor Canada”

  1. mo says:
    September 9th, 2011 at 10:41 pm

    I am not feeling any benefit at all from SlimQuick Razor.

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