Quest Body Perfect Cha De Bugre

Quest Body Perfect Review
Quest Body Perfect is a non prescription diet pill that is targeted towards not only weight loss but as a source of energy and alertness.
There are several common ingredients within the formula such as Green Tea, 5-HTP and American Ginseng, but perhaps the most interesting ingredient is Cha de Bugre.
What Is Cha De Bugre
A small tree like plant that commonly grows in Brazil it is found mostly in the states of Goias, Acre, Minas Gerais, and Bahia, and is more commonly called café do mato (coffee of the woods) to the Brazilian population.
Cha de Bugre is thought to be an appetite suppressant that can dull the appetite and reduce the need to snack during the day.
Reducing appetite is quite possibly the most effective method for long term and sustainable weight loss.
Body Perfect Positives
- Some effective weight loss ingredients
Body Perfect Negatives
- Diluted by the inclusion of filler ingredients
Quest Body Perfect Side Effects
Nothing major although there have been cases of acidity, constipation, and flatulence in some individuals.
Where To Buy Quest Body Perfect
Can be purchased from many leading pharmacies and healthstore outlets across North America and Canada.
Can also be purchased online from
Is Quest Body Perfect Recommended Does It Work
A very weak formula in the appetite suppressant genre that cannot compete with the premier Hoodia based products.
Other Diet Pills To Consider
Phen375 – a diet product that combines both a fat burning agent with an appetite suppressant.
Phen375 has had been responsible for numerous weight loss success stories. It has been formulated in an FDA regulated laboratory and is currently available to buy direct with a prescription.
More about Phen375
September 5th, 2010 at 11:03 pm
Can’t really tell if its working or not!!!
It hasnt really suppressed my hunger – maybe should have bought Hoodia instead